How to Clean Leather Furniture

Leather furniture is considered very practical. After all, most of the pollution and dust from it is simply erased with a cloth. However, cleaning leather furniture has its own nuances. How to clean a leather sofa at home without causing him nonsense, we will tell in this article.

Basic principles

Compliance with these rules will allow you to carry out the cleaning procedure effectively, without risk of harming the skin coating:
  • Wipe the leather sofa carefully, in a circular motion, do not press the cloth strongly.
  • Be sure to clean the seams and creases. They gather a lot of dust. It is most convenient to do this with a vacuum cleaner.
  • When cleaning a leather sofa, do not use stiff bristles and abrasive products.
  • Only dilute detergents in filtered water.
  • Do not use hot water. The washing liquid should be at room temperature.
  • When cleaning leather furniture at home, you cannot use chlorine-based bleaches, and also use potent substances - solvent, acetone, turpentine.
  • After washing the leather sofa, be sure to dry the surface with a dry cloth. Do not blow dry your furniture.


If you become the owner of leather furniture, then it will be superfluous to immediately acquire equipment for caring for it.

So, cleaning is usually carried out:
  • Flannel towel or microfiber towel.
  • Special cleaning wipes.
  • Brushes with a delicate pile.
  • Detergent compositions are dispensed from the spray gun.
  • Stains are removed with cotton swabs or discs.

The cleaning process always starts with a vacuum cleaner . And you can eliminate complex pollution and clean the leather sofa with a steam cleaner using specialized detergents.

Detergent compositions

When choosing a leather furniture cleaning product, you first need to pay attention to the color of the skin for which it is intended. Often in the chemistry for colored products include tinting components that refresh color. But if you clean the white leather sofa with such a composition, then it may stain.

So, the most common detergents for leather furniture:
  • Soapy water - it can be prepared on the basis of any soap available in the household. The only condition is that the soap should be colorless. Beat dense foam and clean the surface of the skin with it.
  • Makeup remover milk - allows you to get rid of some stains and dirt.
  • Fairy - divorced in warm water. They can perfectly wipe off a greasy stain or other dirt.
  • Specialized skin shampoos can be purchased at any household department. Before use, be sure to read the information on the packaging.
  • Daily care of the interior of the skin is also carried out using professional conditioners, polishes, balms and wax. They create a protective layer on the skin, soften it and repel the settling dust.

How to clean a light leather sofa?

Light skin can be cleaned with the following folk remedies:
  • Toothpaste - pay attention so that the paste does not have a whitening effect. Such compositions contain abrasives and can scratch the surface.
  • Vinegar + alcohol. Both components are combined in equal proportions and slightly diluted with cold water. After cleaning with such a liquid, wipe the skin with glycerin.
  • Bulb. Yes, this is a great way to clean white sofas. Cut the onion into two parts and wipe the contaminated area with a fresh cut. Regularly update the cut, finish cleaning with a slightly dampened cloth in water.


Now let's move on to how to remove the stain from the leather sofa. The selected product will primarily depend on the nature of the stain.
  • Coffee traces are removed with soapy water or vinegar diluted in water.
  • Gum from the skin can be removed by applying ice to it. After some time, the gum will freeze, become brittle and you can easily scrape it off.
  • Spilled juice and wine are blotted with a dry cloth and covered with a layer of salt. After some time, the trace is erased with a solution of alcohol and treated with glycerin.
  • If there is a trace of a ballpoint pen on the sofa , first try removing it with adhesive tape by gluing and unhooking the tape. Then wash with soapy foam and wipe dry. Alternatively, follow the ink trail with a stationery eraser.
  • If oily substance gets on your skin, fill the trace as quickly as possible with starch or baby powder. After about 10-15min. the fat is absorbed into the powder, and it will be possible to wash the Fairy surface or the like.
  • Blood from the couch is washed off with aspirin dissolved in water. Just keep in mind the solution should be cold.
  • Fresh spots of any nature can be eliminated with a mixture of milk and egg white, whipped with a mixer. This tool is best suited for products from fair skin.