Carpet Cleaning Rentals Near Me

Renting a carpet cleaning machine is a cheap way to clean these deeply. The machines give you the option of using an upholstery adapter to clean your furniture. You can usually rent the machine for 24-hour periods, but this may vary depending on the store. Before using a carpet and upholstery cleaning machine, read all instructions, follow all warnings and familiarize yourself with the machine.

Step 1
Visit a home improvement store or a supermarket chain.

Step 2
Ask at the counter if they rent an upholstery cleaning machine.

Step 3
Show two identifications. You can use the driver's license, student card, military ID, voter registration card or passport.

Step 4
Pay a deposit. Some stores require a deposit to rent the cleaning machine. Deposits vary from store to store. If a deposit is required, they will be returned in full if the equipment is in the same condition as when you rented it.

Step 5
Rent accessories to clean upholstery. You can usually rent these accessories separately by paying a small fee.

Step 6
Buy the right chemicals for the cleaning machine. You should buy these chemicals separately and you usually find them next to carpet cleaning machines.

Step 7
Ask the seller about the operating instructions of the upholstery and carpet cleaning machine. The seller can give you the instructions if they are not attached to the machine.