Learn to undertake

Learn to undertake
It is important to start working and develop this capacity from the earliest ages
Recommended age 4 to +13 years

This ability is not innate, although there may be people with a certain congenital predisposition towards it. This means that it is necessary to develop it, in short, learn to undertake. We show you how.

The ability to communicate well what one wants to do is essential

At present, this task is being addressed in many universities where specific subjects have been developed for it, but the interesting thing is to  start working and develop  this  capacity  from the  earliest ages .

This work can be done both in the  family  and from the academic level   in the school classrooms.

It is about getting children, from a very young age, to be able to:
  • Develop critical and creative capacity : enhance in them the ability to think, reason, develop different proposals, alternatives and solutions. It goes beyond learning content offered to everyone equally; they must be able to analyze them, value them and establish  their own criteria . Thus, the philosopher  Robert Swartz  (one of the most influential personalities in the world in the field of education) has developed   teaching-learning tools aimed at enhancing this capacity for  critical and creative thinking  that are being applied in the classroom and with results very positive
  • Create new things , which may be real or not but, above all, that are  original  in terms of their own, exclusive. Make your  own project . This Project, when they are small, can go from a work of art, an object, an invention ... but later it can be a proposal, activity, playful or work project, etc.

How to teach them to be entrepreneurs?

First, we must teach them to have  interest and motivation to build and create . To do this, it is convenient to motivate them by giving them the  confidence  that they can and are  capable . This attitude will be essential for anything you want to achieve. Once they have been motivated and given confidence, they will be provided with the  tools and resources  necessary for it. Fundamental, at this time, offer a  model  that helps.

Once you have created your personal project will need to teach them to  test it  and  evaluate it  to create mechanisms for  improvement and refinement .

Finally, we will have to teach them how to  communicate  and transfer their Project to society. Make it public and know how to sell it with  Marketing and Communication strategies  that will be easy to develop if done from the early stages.

This work, carried out since they were young, will generate   cognitive habits , skills development   and  attitude  necessary to know in the future.  Undertake  and create very interesting projects in any of the planes, both personal and work.

There is much talent not exploited and exploited for not having stimulated capacity and given the opportunity for development. The proposed guidelines can help this not happen and get future great entrepreneurs.