How to make my boyfriend love me more

How to make my boyfriend love me more
Love can be simple when two people share the same feelings and intensity, values, attitudes and beliefs, expectations and vision, goals and plans, level of commitment...

However, this does not happen in many cases and can occur imbalances in the couple, because one of the members invests more time and resources, is more emotionally involved, etc.

All this can lead you to assume that your partner, boyfriend or husband doesn't care. If you're wondering "how to make my boyfriend love me more?", Keep reading this article: How to make my boyfriend love me more.

My boyfriend doesn't care

Do you have the feeling that your boyfriend doesn't care anymore? If you often think " my boyfriend goes from me ", we offer some clues to help you clarify the situation:
  • Degree of intensity: certain components of love (such as the romantic component) cannot be shared equally in both partners. That does not mean that your partner does not care about you, but it may not be the same way and intensity as you.
  • Your partner makes plans and makes decisions without you most of the time.
  • Your partner does not call you or send messages as often as he used to, it has been a long time since you had an appointment or went out to dinner outside, notes that he has lost interest.
  • Your partner is interested in your personal life, but not as much as you would like.
  • The weight of the relationship falls on your shoulders. You take the initiative more frequently and make the greatest effort to do things. Your boyfriend or husband behaves passively, and adapts to routines with little effort or imagination to do new things.

How to make your partner react

If you have seen the current situation with your partner reflected in any of the previous points, it is very possible that the relationship does not go as well as you thought and that there is something in it that is not working. Right now, you're probably wondering: what can I do if my boyfriend ignores me? Is it possible to break this dynamic? How can I make my partner react? Is it possible to go back at the point where the relationship was going well?

The answer is yes, it is possible, although this is achieved quite counterintuitively: when a person moves away from us, a mechanism is activated in us by which we want to recover it. However, this will only take you further.

On the contrary, if your partner is not trying hard enough and does not invest time and energy in you, increasing your efforts will not succeed. How to make your boyfriend listen to you? The way to reverse the situation is to balance the balance . That is, matching the time and resources invested at the same level. Thus, your partner will notice the cessation of attention and wonder what is happening, what will bring you back to recover what is no longer.

Anyway, an important clarification is that if your partner has no interest at all, they will not look for you again. If this is the case, it is not worth spending more time on something that will not last. Therefore, in any case, whether you react or not, this strategy will help you elucidate your current situation, whether it is to reverse the situation, or to exit the dead end and start something new.

How to make a man fall in love

How to make my boyfriend fall in love? Love is a complex experience in which many variables and nuances intervene. If each person is unique in the world, because of their personality, attitudes, beliefs, values, goals, etc., when they are even with another person, the possibilities are almost endless. In this way, there are great differences between what we find attractive in a person, in what attracts our attention, in the characteristics we seek to have a long-term relationship. However, as far as men are concerned, there are a number of characteristics that they find very attractive in a woman.
  • Independence. An independent and self-confident woman attracts people and makes others perceive in you character and the energy you give off.
  • Positivity Happiness is something that is transmitted and attracts. No one likes to surround themselves with taciturn, moody people who constantly complain. A positive person is an attractive person. In the following article you will find Exercises to learn to be positive.
  • Sincerity. Do not talk to him bluntly, men like a woman sure of herself, who does not need to make excessive turns to what she says and / or wants, so that she does not have to be guessing what she wants.
  • Let him treat you well and help you. Women are capable of many things and we can achieve what we set out to do. Thus, you are still an independent and confident woman because of the fact that she helps you. If you open the car door, it helps you with the shopping bags, etc., it is most likely that it will not do so because it feels superior to you, if not as a kind gesture, thank it. As women, we don't need a man to help us with almost anything, but that doesn't mean it's not fun!
  • Feel admiration for your partner and recognize their achievements. Contrary to what you might think, admiring our partner is not a sign of weakness; Men like to know how to recognize their achievements, which does not put us in a position of weakness if we really feel that way. Letting him know that you value him in his right measure means that you do not feel intimidated by the achievements of others.
  • Femininity. Men like female women, who take care of themselves, who stay healthy. That does not necessarily have to do with physical attractiveness: it is an attitude.

How to make my boyfriend love me more

How to make my husband love me? First of all, it is important to clarify that, if he has no interest in you, is not in love, does not reach a minimum level of emotional involvement with you, all your efforts to advance the relationship will be in vain. If he does not react, it is more, he even walks away, do not try anymore: he is not the person for you. Do not invest your time in someone who does not belong to you, because that time that goes away will not return. Instead, dedicate your energies and attention to someone who is willing to do the same for you . In the long term, you will see that it was the best.

On the other hand, if at your discretion, your partner does feel or has felt the same for you and there are possibilities to recover the relationship, then we offer some guidelines that will help you “reset” the relationship, and foster positive emotions in the couple

How to make my partner love me more ?: 25 tips

If you want to know how to make your boyfriend love you more, read the following tips:
  1. Make your life interesting , not only for him, but also for yourself. The fact that a person does not miss you in the same way as you do to him, could mean that you do not have many elements in your life with which to nourish, learn, enjoy; If your partner receives the full weight of your happiness, this is not healthy.
  2. Step by Step. In all relationships there are times to respect, especially in relationships. For love to emerge and crystallize, it is important not to run and want to burn stages: all are important and contribute to a solid relationship.
  3. Work your self concept. A typical mistake made by women is asking about their physical appearance in a negative way. Asking him if he sees you fat or ugly puts you in a position of weakness, where you need external validation to feel good about yourself. If he is with you, he will most likely like you the way you are. Don't be so critical of yourself, beauty is not unique, it is very varied, and all women are beautiful, in our own way.
  4. Respect their space and do not act intrusively. In a healthy relationship, moments of separation are necessary so that you can reconnect with renewed energies.
  5. Do not behave desperately and constantly seek to get their attention, you will only get further away.
  6. Be cautious with social networks. Do not give too much information about yourself and your relationships on social networks. Do not demonize them, but there are few negative consequences that also carry. Constant updates on your emotional state (single, as a couple, dating someone, it's complicated, etc.), indirect to your partner or ex-partner, constant details about your personal life, etc. They are counterproductive, throw unnecessary information and make you seem like an insecure person who needs constant approval.
  7. Prioritize Never cancel your plans because he is available, keep your life private and your circle of friends.
  8. Do not force encounters simply because you feel like seeing him, he will perceive you as imposted and will not contribute to the relationship progressing naturally. Let there be times when he takes the initiative.
  9. Do not extend appointments indefinitely. If you have established a plan, stick to it. If you go to the movies, after the movie you can go have a drink. But go to the movies, have a drink, dine together, drink, spend the night together, have breakfast, etc. It is not recommended in most cases. If you use up all the cartridges in the same appointment, you don't have room for more.
  10. Control the amount of information and disclosures you make about yourself, especially at the beginning. Giving too many explanations about our life and our privacy can make your partner get overwhelmed with details and lose interest.
  11. It evokes positive feelings in him. Generally, we don't like being with grumpy people, who constantly complain and see the negative side of everything. This also happens in relationships, we tend to connect with people who give us positive energy.
  12. Listen to him when he speaks to you , knowing how to listen is a great value, which will also strengthen your bond.
  13. Keep calm and don't rush. It is very common, especially among women, that when we like a man we want to go very fast. However, they tend to have a slower pace when it comes to linking.
  14. Be assertive , don't talk to her indirectly. Men are not usually so subtle in this regard and often do not understand them. He will thank you for speaking with sincerity. In the following article you will find techniques to develop assertiveness .
  15. Act proactively. Men like determined women, who are sure of themselves and who know what they want.
  16. Give your honest opinion about the topics you are talking about. Sometimes, for wanting to please the couple, many people make the mistake of agreeing with everything and agreeing to what they are told. Show him that you have your own personality and criteria, he will value it in a very positive way. As Sigmund Freud said : "If two people always think the same, it is that one thinks for both."
  17. Try not to make him wait when you meet him, especially on purpose. There is a belief that women should make men wait for appointments; This is very old, be a modern woman, we live in the era of feminism and equality. Value your time and do not make him wait, if you know that it will take a little longer, let him know so he can also take advantage of his time. Don't tell him the famous phrase "I'll be ready in 5 minutes" if it's not true.
  18. Rejoice for his triumphs , you are not his rival. Sharing the joys will also strengthen your bond.
  19. Look for moments of privacy , it is important to invest in the relationship and that the time you spend together are moments of quality.
  20. Accept if he has any details with you and thank him. Although it is not exactly what you were waiting for, appreciate the detail and keep in mind that it has thought of you.
  21. Don't constantly talk about your ex. It's not about hiding your past and acting like you're the first man in your life. But to constantly mention him, talk about how he behaved, the places you frequented together, compare what he looks like and / or differs, etc. It is very negative, uncomfortable and can be perceived as having not yet overcome the relationship.
  22. Avoid uncomfortable comments. Commenting on the physical attractiveness of other men is uncomfortable and not appropriate. Making him feel that he occupies a second place is not recommended. Reserve these types of comments for meetings with your friends, you can laugh, but don't do it in front of him. You wouldn't like him to act like that either.
  23. Do not let him pay everything. It's good that I invite you sometimes, value the gesture, but don't expect me to always do it and offer to pay yourself too. Show him that what matters to you is his person and his company, not his checking account.
  24. Be yourself. Following the advice we give you on how to make your boyfriend love you more is important, but even more is knowing how to adapt them to your way of being, thinking and feeling. Do not overdo it, do not become someone who you are not. In a long-term relationship, your true self will shine. Do you really want to have a relationship at the cost of being true to yourself? Ask yourself.
  25. And you? Finally, if you constantly need the attention of your boyfriend or a man in general, it is recommended that you analyze it. Sometimes, being immersed in a dysfunctional relationship , or more importantly, having linked several dysfunctional relationships, could be indicating that you should work some aspect of your life. If this is the case, put the focus on yourself, if you are not happy with something that is happening in your life, a relationship with a man will not replace these shortcomings. To be well in a relationship, you must first be well with yourself.