History of Ecology in Architecture

Origin of ecology in architecture.

Energy is the implicit condition of civilizations from the origins of humanity, to our days.

First , energy was worked on in the relationship of force between man and animal.

Second , with industrial societies, energy was worked with fossil fuels, including oil, coal and natural gas.

Third , when civilization arrives, we use a great variety of energy resources, among which are hydrogen, biomass, light discharges, power fusion, advanced solar energy, geothermal energy, and marine currents.

Ecology and architecture

 What is ecology?

When we talk about ecology we refer to the scientific specialty focused on the study and analysis of the link that arises between living beings and the environment that surrounds them, understood as the combination of abiotic factors (among which we can mention climate and geology) and biotic factors (organisms that share the habitat).

The ecology also analyzes the distribution and quantity of living organisms as a result of the aforementioned relationship.

It is estimated that in the first two million years of life of the human being, only lived in the company of small nomadic groups, then the need for food and protection of the environment begins sedentary lifestyle.

Hunting and gathering were practiced in groups that learned with the daily activities of the area, thus creating constructions depending on the climatic conditions and the materials of the area.

The first ecological constructions.

The first housing structures were a kind of test to determine the efficiency of the same, but not knowing elements, and not having any of the current facilities, it was quite complicated and the time to change their ?? constructions ?? It was equivalent to millions of years.

Morphologically, housing varied depending on factors, such as:

  • The local topography.
  • Cold winds.
  • Orientation.
  • Heat of the sun in the seasons of the year.
  • Inter alia.
Each civilization had its strength, for example the natives were successful in their architecture for the respect they had towards the climate, environment, its culture and region. They built for security in the face of the adversities that nature gave them.

Used materials.

Over time the architecture was based on a particular stylistic effect. The wood was a material very used for the construction as well as for cooking the food, this produced the shortage of trees and logically of fruits, in addition to the erosion of the ground, reason why the people moved, abandoning their constructions and collapsing some civilizations, according to archaeological studies.

All the energy resources directed by man have generated the development, since air and water provide energy according to the climate, in industrialization the wood reigned by availability and form of acquisition, in addition to its behavior in front of the soil. As a result, forests were destroyed to make use of this material.

Then in certain places it becomes renewable but very expensive, so the use of non-renewable fossil fuels begins.

Here coal occupied the second place as a source of energy and as a fuel, since the first place was oil since the Second World War until today.