How to Lose Weight Naturally and Without Exercise In 1 Week

How to lose weight naturally and without exercise in 1 week - Not a few people who tend to feel inferior when underweight, so does the excess or obesity. As for the many tips only leads to how to partially lower the body.

We rarely see anyone giving tips to manage specifically to the cheek, thighs, arms, or arm. Well, one of the ways to address this kind of problem is to realize the diet program.

Currently, a lot of various ways to diet published through various media be it diet tips from the internet, magazine, television, etc.

However, You need to be aware if all started from the intention. Yeah. which is the key to diet or how to lose weight is a strong desire and also consistent in doing so.

Therefore, whoever you want to try some ways to lose weight, there are some tips that you may be able to use for yourself and tell others.

How to Lose Weight Naturally and Without Exercise

How To Lose Weight Naturally

To be able to lose weight without drugs containing chemicals, You need to do some regular treatment, whether it is time or recipe of food that you will consume. At first, glance does look burdensome, but when it's tried, will feel the positive effect.

It not only makes you lose weight but also make your daily life feels fitter and fresher.

Here are some tips you can try;

Lime Diet

Lime Diet
You can try drinking hot lemon juice in the morning after you wake up. Some people who try this lime diet, claiming his weight loss, up to 1 kg in just 1 week. Let more confident, You should know 2 positive benefits of lime juice, which is rich in vitamin C and rich in citric acid.

Vitamin C has the function of absorbing calcium in fat cells, while citric acid will interact with other acids and enzymes in our stomach so it can launch digestion.

Changing Time to Eat

Changing Time to Eat
Probably many of you do not know yet if only by changing the hours of eating You can have a big impact on your weight change. In fact, the main cause of excessive fat, one of them because you eat with a large portion at a certain time.

To speed up metabolism in the body, You can eat 3-4 times a day but with small portions. Besides beneficial to burn calories, fat stored in the body is also not too much.

Enough Sleep and Regular

Enough Sleep and Regular
Staying up late is not recommended for you who want the ideal body or weight loss. By not getting enough sleep, You will allow the hormone ghrelin in the body will increase which causes increased appetite. Severity, lack of sleep lowers leptin hormone which makes it difficult to satiety.


Watermelon is one of the fruits that can reduce fat in the stomach. Do you believe? Know it, content in watermelon fruit consists of 91% natural minerals which are useful for reducing fat in the body. Further, Watermelon contains vitamin B6, B1, C, and magnesium which can make the stomach feel full.

Drinking Water

Drinking Water
Reduce soft drinks and sugary drinks, add a water. Based on research, they claim by drinking enough water every day, it can help to release toxins and fats in the body. Every person's fluid needs are different. But on average, women need approximately 1.6 liters per day, while men need 2 liters per day.

Drink Water Before Eating

Drink Water Before Eating
There are several studies that mention that drinking water before a meal is very powerful in losing weight. This is if one drinks water before eating will give full effect, and ultimately makes you not want to eat in large quantities. There is another fact that, when someone is hungry must immediately take a spoon to eat and eat rice along with the side dishes. Even though, could have been felt when it was not hungry, but thirsty.

Eat in Small Portions

Eat in Small Portions
Eat in small portions was able to lose weight naturally. This method is quite effective, You can use small dishes or smaller bowls from where you normally use it. This matter will make a caloric intake that goes into your body is reduced.

Eat in small portions, can provide a satisfying reaction as long as the food is slowed. Eat slowly can stimulate the brain that you are full. Eat this way more effective to lose your weight than to eat in large quantities even if only 2 times a day.

Appropriate Food Consumption
Appropriate Food Consumption
The right foods can help with your weight loss. Good weight loss foods are foods that have high protein and fiber content. Foods that have high protein can make you full longer. Not only that, foods that have protein can also burn fat. Examples of foods that have high protein are egg whites, yogurt, lean meats, seafood, cheese, soybeans, and nuts.

Reduce Sweet Food

Reduce Sweet Food
To get maximum results you should avoid sweet foods. Because the food sweet provides greater energy of calories or protein. Sweet foods can also increase glucose in the body it is also not good for your health, especially weight. Therefore, should from now on reduce the sweet foods, such as sweet tea, brownies, donuts, soft drinks, and the like.

Maintain Commitment to Lose Weight

Maintain Commitment to Lose Weight
That commitment is very important, because of the intention of losing your weight will never work if not have a strong commitment to living it.

Maybe the first three days you are diligent in sports, healthy eating and others. But, will the second week suddenly disappear? This is the importance of building commitment in this weight loss process.

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

Consume Eggs And Sausage

Consume Eggs And Sausage
Events related to weight gain now gives birth to the assumption that the main cause of the food and beverage aspect is consumed.

Try to switch by consuming eggs and sausages. Protein content in eggs and sausages helps you to be full faster, this food is quite effective in losing weight.

You can consume eggs and sausage as the main menu when breakfast and dinner. The goal is that your appetite can be fulfilled without having to eat excess carbohydrates.

Avoid Junk Food (fast food)

Junk food is tempting for those of you who like to spoil the tongue. As we already know, junk food contains many calories. In general, if you consume junk food precisely the addition of calories quickly increases. So, with an effort to refrain from taking junk food for about seven days, your weight can go down naturally. When you're comfortable with not eating junk food, it's good this habit You are intensified.

Drinking Coconut Water

The benefits of coconut water that you need in order to lose weight is to increase your metabolism. In addition to tasty, coconut water can meet the needs of vitamin B, minimize hunger and certainly can be a solution to lose weight. You can consume green coconut water for maximum results at least one day once. His hope during coconut water up to one week your weight will be lighter than before.

Reduce Portion Eating

The energy source of all living things in the universe is to eat. Of course, it is very difficult not to eat, especially for those who are reluctant to avoid eating just to lose weight. But please note that you are not asked to not eat in total. However, try to reduce the portion of foods that contain fat. Because indirectly what is produced in the body, if the food contains fat actually diluting your project to lose weight.

Consumption of Fat-burning Drinks

Lose weight with ginger can be done by both men and women. By consuming ginger You not only get the fat burning properties into energy but at the same time strengthen the immune system to keep the body healthy.

Warm ginger is also very comfortable in the stomach and safe when consumed. For those of you who want to lose weight, there is no harm in trying this one drink. Materials used are very easy to find, the price is not as expensive as medicine in general.

How to Lose Weight In 1 Week

Is it possible to lose weight in 1 week? Try to think positively, Positive suggestions will accelerate the process of losing weight by itself and accompanied by maximum effort of course.

To lose weight to the fullest can be done in a natural way and not through an instant road, such as taking drugs that are said to work to reduce weight and the results are not proven.

The following, there are some tips to lose weight naturally in a week. This method requires consistent, and it is not impossible to lose weight in a week. This is the schedule of the next week's diet that you can practice.

What to Do on Day One

This first day which you can do is to consume fruit various colors such as apples that contain lots of fiber and low in calories. Papaya fruit that contains natural enzymes that can accelerate the process of food, Tomato fruit has a fiber type called oligofructose which can help you feel full longer.

Day Two, Avoid Stirred or Fried Vegetables

The second day, so you can reach the target of losing weight namely eating vegetables of various colors, eat your favorite vegetables only to be more delicious to eat, how to process vegetables You can consume it with raw way as a salad or boiled, and that needs to be noticed is avoid frying or sauteing vegetables that you will consume.

Day Three, Not Eating Banana

For the third day, You can combine vegetables and fruits of different colors to be consumed all day. If you still feel unsatisfied You can eat more than 3x.

Today, there are some fruits that you do not need to consume such as bananas and potatoes so that the process of weight loss is achieved immediately.

Eat Bananas and Milk on Day Four

The meal today you may consume bananas and milk, you can make various kinds of preparations from banana and milk.

Time for you to show your creativity in processing it such as cut into pieces of banana, and added milk or it could be in the juice or made milkshake according to your taste. Or can be directly eaten banana continue to drink milk.

To note is, the preparations should not be fried because lose weight in a week should not contain any oil at all

The Fifth Day, May Eat Rice

Have your changes changed? Lighter for example. Today you can eat rice for 5 tablespoons and some tomato pieces are still raw or already boiled. You can consume rice 2 times a day and try not to eat rice at night.

On the Sixth Day Consumes Tofu and Tempe

On the Sixth Day Consumes Tofu and Tempe
For the sixth day, you can eat vegetable protein and animal protein. Like tofu, tempeh, skinless meat all boiled.

For lunch, You can eat 5 spoons of rice along with vegetable side dishes. Do not forget to drink water to keep you fresh.

Day Seven, Drinking Water Warmly

Day Seven, Drinking Water Warmly
The seventh-day, You can eat rice 5 tablespoons plus fresh side dishes, vegetables, and fruits and a variety of colors to your liking. You can also make fruit juice to remove toxins from the body.

Drink also warm water before and after sleep at night to keep your body fresh and immediately reduce your weight effectively.

How to Lose Weight, Healthy Food Consumption

Practice to get used to the routine to consume healthy food will make your weight be proportional.

If obesity can decrease. If too lanky can be up to improve. And it all happens naturally alias automatic. Because of the natural determination that when you consume good food, the body will absorb the appropriate needs with the standard growth of metabolic cells in the body.

Green vegetable

Green vegetable
If you are doing a weight loss program it is recommended to consume green vegetables because it contains lots of fiber and protein so the stomach feels full pretty old and can increase energy in the body.

Green vegetables are the most effective for diet programs among others vegetable mustard, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and kale.

Boiled potato

Boiled potato
The ingredients in boiled potatoes without skin has 260 calories, 0.5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein.

Potatoes contain vitamin B complex, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Potatoes are a good source of energy for people who are doing weight loss programs while lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the body as well.


Nuts are a source of high protein and excellent fiber. You can use as a meat substitute because beans contain low fat and the content for the fiber is high enough. This proves that the comparison between these nutrients can make the stomach feel full. In the processing, we can cook a delicious soup and include nuts.

Tuna fish

Tuna fish
Eat tuna for weight loss program so good because besides having a high protein source and low calorie, tuna fish also contains omega 3 substances that can prevent the storage of fat in the stomach.

By consuming 3 ounces of tuna means we can already meet the daily protein needs in the body.


Yogurt is milk made from bacterial fermentation. Basically, diet is to limit the calories that come in every day.

And yogurt can make someone who consumes them feel full enough long time, this proves excellent yogurt to lose weight.

Other than that, yogurt can reduce fat at the waist and abdomen because calcium in yogurt can minimize hormone cortisol fat results from the waist and amino acid content that can help the process of burning fat.